Free From leaflets

February 2018: Design and print of the Positively Free From and Coeliac Community Support Group promotional leaflets.

Further promotional leaflets were required to promote this monthly event in local venue, Creek Creative (Faversham, Kent). I set up the design and oversaw the print run. The feedback on the leaflets has been positive. The nice thing about this client is they’re happy to let me run with my ideas for their promotional material.

The leaflets will be placed in the cafe at Creek Creative for customers to pick up and take away.

All images used in this leaflet are from previous Free From coffee morning photo shoots. I took the opportunity to design this leaflet in a pocket size format (with a gate fold) as I think customers will be more inclined to pick it up /take it away with them. Attendance at the coffee morning are growing in numbers and give customers valuable access to experiences and information/knowledge.

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