Perfect day / perfect light

December 2016: During the tail end of December there has been some amazing weather – the light has been stunning and what could be better than to go out on the bikes armed with a camera.

Kate and I headed over to Canterbury and took a cycle ride along the path next to The Great Stour river. Along the way we found a few places to take photographs.


With the sun positioned low in the sky the light cast some great (long) shadows and reflections.


I used my old Canon 5D DSLR and a 28mm prime lens as I decided it would be handy to get some wide-angle shots to take in the scenery. It was great to find a spot just out of the direct sunlight and photograph Kate. Shallow depth of field brings the subject right out of the picture. If you are planning to go out with your camera, I recommend taking your bike and exploring. It’s all good practice for training the eye to consider light/shadow/setting/composition.


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